rumi is the most open.bold,simple spiritual poet of our age. he touches straight your heart...leaves you....drenched with divine love and intoxicates you to the chore.
Mevlana Jelalludin Rumi was a 13th C. Mystic and Poet. He was born into the Persian Empire in what is today Balkh, Afghanistan and lived out his life in Konya, Turkey. His two signature literary works- "The Mathnawi" and the "Divani Shams i Tabriz" are considered second only in importance to the Koran in the Middle East.
In the West, he has outsold Shakespeare in the English language for 2 decades, becoming the best loved poet in America today.
Canadian filmmaker Tina Petrova shares her extraordinary encounter with Rumi (a true story) as she leads us on a road trip of discovery across America to the shifting sands of the Middle East, seeking out scholars who animate his works in the world today. Featured are: UN award winning architect Nader Khalili- best known for his emergency shelter designs, the most popular presenter of Rumi - Coleman Barks, activist and author Andrew Harvey, the hypnotic spin of the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey and Shaikh Kabir Helminski - who heads up Rumi’s spiritual order today in the west.
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